How to Deal with Headaches at Home

Deal with Headaches

Headaches are really common in our daily life. They produce discomfort and pain in our head. Based on the level of discomfort, headaches can be mild or severe. To some people, headaches are a daily occurrence. But certain routines can significantly alleviate this discomfort. Constant pain can disrupt our daily routines.

I personally feel very weak whenever I suffer from a headache. I cannot complete any work, and it becomes painful for me to get through the day. Sometimes, I cannot sleep at all due to the pain. But some strategies can help. They tend to relieve the pain significantly.

Identify the Type of Headache

Understanding the cause of the pain can do 60% of the job. That’s why you must identify what type of headache you are suffering from.

Tension Headache

If you are suffering from stress, this type of headache tends to occur. Constant pain on both sides of your head is a symptom of this type of headache.


This is something people suffer from badly. The frustrating thing is that it has no cure or medicine to cure it from the root. Intense and constant throbbing pain on one side of the head is one of the main symptoms. Some people tend to vomit due to this. Also, sensitivity to light can be seen.

Sinus Headaches

We have cavities on our face—under the eyes, on the nose, forehead, and cheeks. These cavities are filled with air. If the cavity gets filled with fluid, it becomes congested and results in severe headache. This type of headache is really uncomfortable as it produces liquid in the cavity, making it unbearable.

Another type can be a cluster headache. Constant pain around the eyes that stays for weeks to months can be really painful. There is no medicine to directly cure headaches, but some home remedies can make it less painful and provide relief.

Home Remedies for Immediate Relief


Your brain needs hydration to work perfectly. If you are dehydrated, there will be complications regarding your neurons’ performance, which can result in a headache. As our brain is not able to perform its functions properly due to dehydration, it will create stress and ultimately lead to a bad headache.

To get rid of this problem, hydrate yourself regularly. A normal person needs 2 liters of water per day. Drink plenty of water whenever you feel thirsty. It’s better to set a reminder for yourself to drink water.

Rest in a Dark, Quiet Room

Bright lights and loud noises can make it worse. Try to find a quiet room with proper cooling. Rest for a while with a cold towel on your forehead. This will give you relaxation from the throbbing pain of a migraine.

Apply Heat or Cold

Applying a cold compress can help to get instant relief from the pain. For tension headaches, you can try a hot compress. This will help to relax the tight muscles around the neck and shoulders, increasing blood flow.

Practice Relaxation Techniques

Stand straight. Now, move your upper body from the waist downward, making a bow. Stay there for 30 seconds. Do this 3-4 times with a rest for 10 seconds. This will lead to increased blood flow to the head.


Tea and coffee contain caffeine. This component can provide slight relaxation from the pain by stimulating the brain. But too much caffeine can cause other health complications.

Lifestyle Changes for Long-Term Relief

Maintaining a balanced lifestyle can lead to headache-free days.

  1. Maintain a regular sleep schedule.
  2. Eat your meals at the same time every day.
  3. Eat a balanced diet to avoid other health concerns.
  4. Exercise regularly, at least for 20 minutes.
  5. Manage stress with proper planning of the day with a time frame.

If you feel like you are having severe pain for several days, try to contact a physician. If you have met with an accident and are experiencing headaches afterward, this could mean something is wrong. Talk to your physician. They will provide prescribed medicines.

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