How to find my skin undertone

Understanding your undertone can save you from uncomfortable moments. I never knew there was something called undertone and that’s the result of some disastrous moments. I wore a foundation which looked ashy on my skin, i used lipstick that does not match my skin. To avoid these clumsy situations, you have to learn about your undertone.

Undertone is tone beneath our skin. Whether it is choosing about foundation shade or lipstick shade undertone will help you. Its for sure that you will use your own preference on what color you wear but undertone can lead to ultimate guide for this.

You have seen that some people look good in black hair and some in silver hair it’s because of their undertone. White color complements those with cool undertone and when a warm undertone person wear white it doesn’t look good. As if the color is not complimenting.

Now, undertone can be of 3 types. I will talk how to find out your undertone on your own.

Warm Undertone

Sit in place with abundant natural lighting. Look for veins on your hand. If your veins look green, then you might have warm undertone. Off white colored dresses will look good on you. Gold jewelries will compliment your look. When you go out you will tend to have tan. Thats why you must use sunscreen with SPF50 or more.

Cool Undertone

If you notice that you have purple or blue veins, then you might have cool Undertone. People with cool Undertone looks beautiful in silver jewelry. And when they are in the sun, they tend to have sun burn. To get rid of it try aloe vera gel for after relief.

Combination Undertone

If you notice that you have both green and blue colored veins, then you are a neutral undertone person. You will look good almost in everything. Although every color will suit you, you must try before buying anything. Prefer what catches your eyes. And also what makes you confident.

Understanding undertones will lead you to have a perfect foundation. And if you are right about your undertone then you will see the magic. You foundation will blend in as if it’s your complexion. So, try to find it and embrace yourself with love.