How to Make Rose Water at Home

From ancient times, rose water has been used in the beauty industry. It has benefits as a toner and is also used in the culinary field. Using rose water on our skin helps balance the pH, making it more radiant and dirt-free.

Making your own rose water is a really simple task. Additionally, it will save you from using products that contain harsh chemicals. The process of making rose water is shown below.

Ingredients and Materials

  • Fresh roses
  • Water
  • A large pot
  • A heatproof bowl
  • Ice
  • Strainer
  • A dark glass bottle

Methods to Make Rose Water

Simmering Method

  1. Take 7-10 roses. Use organic roses to avoid any pesticide side effects.
  2. Put them in a pot and cover the roses with distilled water.
  3. Simmer until the roses lose their color and become pale.
  4. Now strain the water into a dark bottle, and your rose water is ready.

Remember to simmer the water on low heat. Don’t boil it, as boiling will destroy important components. Before transferring the mixture into the bottle, cool it completely.

Distillation Method

  1. Place the rose petals in a large pot.
  2. Place a heatproof bowl in the large pot.
  3. Pour distilled water over the petals to cover them completely.
  4. Put a glass lid inverted on the pot. The inverted lid helps the condensation drip into the bowl.
  5. Place ice cubes on top of the lid.
  6. Heat the water on low flame. As the water heats, steam will rise and hit the lid, condensing into water droplets.
  7. The condensed water will drip into the bowl, creating pure rose water.

After the process, cool the rose water completely and store it in a dark glass bottle. You can use it for up to 6 months if refrigerated.

Usage of Rose Water

Rose water is a natural toner. Toner helps balance your skin’s pH and reduces dirt. People with sensitive skin who may react negatively to chemical products can use this method to produce their own natural toner at home. Pour 3-4 drops of rose water onto a cotton ball and apply it to the skin in a dabbing motion.

You can also use it in aromatherapy. Pour rose water into a diffuser with normal water, and your room will smell like a rose garden.

People with dry hair can use rose water mist to hydrate their hair from time to time.

Making rose water at home is a straightforward process that brings the luxury of natural rose essence into your daily routine. Whether for beauty

, health, or culinary delights, homemade rose water offers a pure, aromatic experience. Enjoy the process and the delightful results!