Ultimate Body Skin Care Routine

You must have a skincare routine for your face. But what about your body? Every day you go out and do several tasks, and your body suffers as much as your facial skin does. You clean your face twice a day, apply different serums for nourishment, and on the other hand, your body is getting neglected. This will result in negative consequences in the future.

I personally didn’t have anybody skincare routine. As a result, my skin got rough and dry, which is not satisfying at all. That’s why everyone, including you and me, needs a perfect body skincare routine. This article will guide you through it.


A body skincare routine starts with a refreshing cold shower. Taking a shower not only cleans your body but also helps you gain mental wellness. A cold shower after a tiring day can make you feel a lot better and will help you have a sound sleep.

Now, why a cold shower? Cold showers have many benefits for your health. They can boost your immunity, help improve circulation, and prevent your skin from drying out. So why not opt for a cold shower?

Clean your body with a loofah to remove excess dirt. You can use a gentle soap to help the process. Body wash can also be used. You can apply oil to your overall body; it helps to retain the moisture of your skin.


I have noticed that when I scratch my legs, some white flakes appear. This is because I didn’t use exfoliation back then. Your skin constantly regenerates, resulting in more dead cells accumulating on the surface.

To get rid of them, it is necessary to use a body scrub. Body scrubs help exfoliate your skin, making it softer and glowier. There are many body scrubs available in the market. You can choose one as per your preference. However, natural DIY scrubs are the best as they do not contain any harsh chemicals.

One of my favorite body scrub remedies is a sugar scrub. Use sugar and ground coffee in a 3:1 ratio. Add your preferred body wash to the mixture. Now your scrub is ready to use.


Body hair is natural. But sometimes, we need to get rid of it. Not everyone loves shaving, for example, me. It takes a lot of time and you can get razor bumps. I prefer trimming. But with some tips and tricks, you can have beautiful legs without any razor bumps.

You need to exfoliate beforehand. Apply shaving cream to the area. If it’s your legs, then you must shave against the hair growth. The same goes for the hands. But if it’s your lady part, then you have to shave along with the hair growth. With these two steps, you will have soft skin without any razor bumps or cuts. You won’t have any ingrown hairs.


Applying moisturizer is the ultimate step. Moisturizer helps to retain moisture and serves different purposes. After shaving, it is a must to use moisturizer as exfoliation and shaving make the skin dry.

Choose a hydrating moisturizer without any harmful chemicals. Apply a good amount of it after having a shower.

Here’s a pro tip: If you apply oil before taking a shower, it will give your body an after-shower glow. Your skin will feel super hydrated too. As oils have hydrating properties and they retain moisture, applying oil before a shower has many benefits.


Just like a facial skincare routine, our body needs sunscreen too. Our body skin is susceptible to UV rays, which can result in body tan, discoloration, and even skin cancer.

To protect your skin, you must apply sunscreen on your body with an SPF higher than 35. If it’s a beach day, go for SPF 50++. Try to wear full clothing as it can cover most of your body and prevent the sun’s rays from penetrating.

Other Tips for a Body Skincare Routine

Regular exercise


Proper and balanced diet

6-7 hours of sleep

Knowing your skin type

Your body is an integral part of you and proper care should be given to it. Everyone wants to look good by taking care of their face, but it’s your body that completes your elegance. Be consistent with any routine you follow, and you will see the results.

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